- RSV (Whitt)
- strep throat (Emma Claire)
- stomach bug (Ben)
- 104 degree fever/ear infection (Whitt)
- sprained ankle (me)
- me backing into Emma Claire's teacher's car
- the police visiting our house because a neighbor didn't like where the men doing our yard work were putting the leaves and yard debris so they called and reported us (RIDICULOUS, and the police just laughed, thank goodness)
- our cat taking an enormous dump on a rug
- a toilet overflowing onto the floor
- two sinks and a bathtub stopping up
In other news, it's SPRING BREAK, baby!!!! Grayson and EC have the week off from school and we are so excited to have a whole week to do lots of fun things together. We are trying to plan as many fun things as we can around Whitt's therapy schedule, and the weather is supposed to be beautiful so that's an added bonus. We're babysitting Emma Claire's class pet, Belle, the guinea pig, for the week---so all fingers are crossed that we can keep Belle alive, especially after our week of bad luck and the warning from EC's teacher that Belle is very old so "please don't feel badly if you wake up one day and he's not alive anymore." Great, that's all I need!!!! :)
Happy Spring Break, everybody!