We had such a fun weekend! My friend Christie and her crew spent the weekend with us, and my brother Alan, his wife Anna, and our cutie pie niece, Taylor, spent last night with us. It was a house full of people (5 adults and 7 kiddos, to be exact), but the squeals, laughter, running, and general chaos was awesome. When everybody left this morning and all that remained were me, Ben, and our three, it just felt too quiet. I love a house full of kiddos so much!
Whitt and his cousin Taylor are so cute together...they're 7 weeks apart and love each other dearly.

We spent the day at the pool yesterday and these little fishies were worn out by bedtime...

Then tonight after church I had a little impromptu photo session with my little buddy. Pure sweetness!
And for the random stuff...
*I deactivated my facebook account a couple of weeks ago and it's going surprisingly well without it. It was such a time waster and I feel like I can be a better wife and mom without it as a distraction. Not sure how long I'll stay away but the break was definitely needed. If any of you FB friends are reading this, you can still get in touch with me by email---my regular one or the so happily us one you can find on my sidebar.
*EC fell on the edge of the pool today and when I asked her what hurt, she YELLED through her tears, "my vagina!" I didn't know whether to laugh or find a hole and crawl in it. I'm sure the people around us enjoyed that one. :)
*This is Grayson and Emma Claire's last week of school!! So excited about this---I'm looking forward to lounging in our pj's, going to the beach and pool, and traveling around to visit friends and family this summer.
*We are going on week 2 with no AC in our house and 90+ temps outside. It broke a month ago and we shelled out way too much money to have it fixed, only for it to work for a week before breaking again. We need to bite the bullet and buy a new unit, but it's ridiculously expensive so we're trying to tough it out and live without one for as long as we can. I have no idea how people lived before AC!
*Whitt has been pooping on the potty! Gross, I know, but he's doing great and I'm hoping he'll be ready to potty train full force this summer---I've had somebody in a diaper for almost 6 years now!
*Please pray for our friends' little girl, Lily. She has been in the hospital for several days due to 12+ days of 104-105 degree temperatures--she was transferred to MUSC last week and is now there undergoing tests to find out why she is so sick.
Hope everybody had a good weekend!
Edited to add: just realized that this is my 500th post! I started blogging four years ago this month and can't believe how quickly it's flown by! Check out my second blog post ever right here. Grayson was younger than Whitt is right now! :)
I am SO proud of you for de-activating your FB page. You are right, it is a time-waster... and I fight the urge every day to get on there!
As I type this we are having a new upstairs AC unit installed. Grrr. That's the 2nd one we've had to replace in our 8 year old house. Ouch. I feel your pain!!! We've been w/out air up there for almost two weeks and it's been miserable. I will pray that y'all have a cold front or a bag of money fall from the sky! ;o)
Just catching up on blogs (when I should be working!), and wanted to say that we had a blast with y'all last weekend. Maybe we should do it EVERY weekend!!!! ;-)
You are so amazing! You know that right? So inspiring to me! Bravo to you for deactivating your fb! Love the precious pictures, too! He's such a doll!
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