2 weeks old

1st birthday

2nd birthday

3rd birthday
Dear Grayson,
You are such a loving boy, always telling us that you love us and giving hugs and kisses---there is nothing better than having you climb up in my lap, put your arms around my neck, and give me a big, sloppy kiss. You are 100% boy...obsessed with cars, trucks, trains, balls, and DIRT! You're a dirt magnet---I don't know how, but you can be outside for five minutes and come back in completely covered with dirt from your head to your toes. I love everything about you, my sweet Grayson---your gorgeous blue eyes with your long lashes, your chubby little hands, the way you can play with Lightning McQueen for hours on end, your sensitivity and compassion for others, your love for all things sweet, the way you repeat everything you hear...I could go on for days! You are incredibly stubborn and hard-headed, something your daddy says you get from your mommy. :) I hope that this will serve you well later in life as you have to stand up for your choices. You are loud and you are silly. You make us laugh countless times every day. You play independently so well---I love to watch you get absorbed in your toys and listen to you talk to them as you act out the stories in your head. You are sweet and compassionate---if you see me sad or upset, you run over to give me a hug and tell me, "it's okay, Mommy! I wuv you!". You don't care what others think, and you've always done things on your own schedule--a great lesson for mommy on patience! :)
Grayson, your daddy and I love you more than you will ever know. 10:32pm on August 31st, 2005, is a moment I will never forget--the exact moment that our lives really began. I don't know what we ever did without you, and I cannot wait to watch you continue to grow and learn. You are my heart and soul, my sweet boy. Happy birthday!!
Love, Mommy
Happy Birthday Grayson! What a sweet letter you wrote! It brought tears to my eyes!!
Okay--I'm crying!!! So sweet, Margaret. Happy, happy birthday, Grayson!!!! I can't believe our sprites are turning THREE?!? Hope it was an awesome day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sweet, sweet, sweet! Check out his hair at 2 weeks! I love it! That's what my boys' hair looked like. Hope he had a great birthday. How is the potty training going?
Happy Birthday Grayson!!! OMG the first picture... are you sure it is not EC???? The similarity is uncanny!
That was so sweet it made me cry!!! Happy 3rd Birthday Grayson!
Happy Birthday Grayson!!! I hope you had a wonderful birthday! :)
You made me cry at work!!!! That was SO sweet. He is soooo handsome. Happy Birthday Grayson!
Holy grammar batman! I would like to change 'past' to 'passed' in my previous comment!
Happy Birthday Grayson! I hope it was full of fun and lots of goodies! James has enjoyed hanging out with you and thinks you are so cool! He's enjoyed watching and learning about all the big boy things you can do. Like playing with your Cars and potty training too! :) (I had to throw that in there Margaret!)
What a beautiful post! It really brought tears to my eyes too. I can't believe he's 3 already! Happy birthday, Grayson!
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