Just for kicks--a picture taken at the same park almost exactly a year ago. Look how much they've grown!!

Emma Claire and sweet James
going in for a kiss
"an airplane, Mommy!!"
We took advantage of the cool morning weather last Thursday and spent a fun couple of hours playing at the park with my friend Lillian and her little boy, James. I loved putting Grayson and EC in their fall clothes for the first time, even if we did have to go home and change into short sleeves later in the day. :)
They are so cute! Can you believe how much they grow? Bittersweet. :)
Don't you just love the change in season? Walker was so sad today when I told him that he couldn't wear one of his new outfits (one of our clothes show packages arrived). I love the nice weather we are having now, but I want to dress them in their new things.
Great pictures! It looks like a beautiful day to play at the park!!! :) Emma Claire just has the sweetest little face! Adorable!
PRECIOUS!! Love, Bec
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Cute pics of the kids.
We had such a fun time with you guys! I look forward to another park day next week! :)
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